Category Archives: Python

Missing data imputation for deep learning tasks

Let’s say you have a dataset with missing values that you want to use to train a deep neural network. You can use the following approach to handle the missing values: Here is some sample code that demonstrates how to handle missing values in a deep neural network using this approach:

NumPy’s reshape

NumPy is a powerful library for working with multi-dimensional arrays in Python. One useful function it provides is numpy.reshape, which allows you to reshape an array to a new shape. Here is an example of using numpy.reshape to reshape a 1-dimensional array of integers into a 3×3 2-dimensional array: The output will be: You can…

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How to create a Convolutional Neural Network in Python?

Artificial Intelligence

Convolutional neural networks (CNNs) are a type of neural network that is particularly well-suited for image classification tasks. Here is an example of how you might create a simple CNN in Python using the popular deep learning library Keras: This code creates a simple CNN with two convolutional layers and two fully connected layers. The…

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